Barbara Jaworski
Barbara is the founder and CEO of the Workplace Institute. She quarterbacks all presentations, courses and consulting activities delivered by the Workplace Institute to clients across Canada and beyond. She and her team organize world-class investigations training and consulting services to public and private sector agencies, large and small. She can be reached at 416 704 3517 or
Gareth Jones
Many of our courses are created and delivered by Gareth Jones. Gareth He was the Director of the major investigation team at the Office of the Ombudsman of Ontario between 2005 and 2020. He was a member of the Executive Management Team.
Prior to that, he was a senior member of the team that set up the Department of National Defence and Canadian Armed Forces Ombudsman’s Office. He became the Director of the major investigation unit.
Gareth was an investigator with the Attorney General of Ontario, Special Investigations Unit, from 1991 to 2001. The SIU conducts investigations into serious injuries and deaths involving police, to determine if any officer has committed a criminal offence.
He was a Sergeant with the Metropolitan Police, London, UK, before emigrating to Canada in 1988.
Gareth has delivered customized investigations training courses for over 50 organizations across the world, including WCB Manitoba, the Public Protector of South Africa, Vancouver Coastal Health. MacEwan University, the Law Society of Saskatchewan, the TMX, Graham Construction, the Mohawk Council of Kahnawake, the OSCE, Exxon Mobil, the UN Human Rights Commission, and the Department of Justice War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity.
He is the co-author of How To Investigate: The Fundamentals Of Effective Fact Finding, (Thomson Reuters, 2021. He wrote Conducting Administrative, Oversight, and Ombudsman Investigations (Carswell, 2009) and Undertaking Effective Investigations: A Guide for National Human Rights Institutions (Asia Pacific Forum, 2014).
Gareth is currently an advisor on investigations to the Canadian Ombudsperson for Responsible Enterprise, the New Zealand Department of Corrections, and several other oversight agencies. He was a member of the 2020/21 Correctional Service of Canada Independent Review Committee that examined how CSC investigates deaths in Federal prisons.
He has been retained as an expert in a police shooting and pursuit cases in Canada, the US and the Cayman Islands.
Andy Phillips
Andy Phillips was a member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) for twenty five years, of which in excess of 20 years was spent investigating financial crimes ranging from fraud, bankruptcy, money laundering, tax evasion and proceeds of crime. He retired from the RCMP in 1997 and spent two years working within the banking and insurance industry, also conducting investigations which were financial in nature.
Between 1999 and 2005 he worked on contract with the RCMP and in 2005 became a civilian employee of the RCMP until September 2008. In September 2008 he set up his own consulting business and now works and consults for various Federal and Provincial government agencies in Canada.
Past duties included developing training materials for financial investigations involving, terrorism, organized crime and money laundering. He has testified in court in respect of evidence from the Internet, and in 2009 was declared an expert on Internet Open Source Collection in General Division Court in Montreal in a National Security matter. In short Mr Phillips’ focus since 1999 has been the Internet and its use for investigations.
Andy Phillips has developed the “Tactical Use of the Internet” five day course for the RCMP, which focused on the investigative use of the Internet for financial investigations, organized crime and national security investigations. This course and variations of it, has been delivered to members of the RCMP as well as to other police, military and intelligence agencies. Mr. Phillips has provided training in both money laundering and / or the use of the Internet in Canada, the United States, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Southeast Asia, Australia and Latin America. He continues to conduct research into matters of due diligence for corporate clients, as well as staying current with the changes on the Internet and to develop learning material
Ian Scott
Ian Scott is a graduate of the University of Toronto and University of Western Ontario Law School, and was called to the bar in 1983. After conducting research for Judges of the former High Court of Justice, he worked briefly at a downtown law firm, and joined the Criminal Law Division of the Ministry of the Attorney General in 1985. He has held numerous positions in that Division, including Chief Counsel – Justice Prosecutions, General Counsel, appellate counsel and head of the office’s criminal trials unit. He has also spent time in private practice, where he represented police management in police disciplinary hearings, and appeals to the Ontario Civilian Commission on Police Services and Divisional Court. In October 2008, he began a five year term as Director of Ontario’s Special Investigations Unit, a position which ended in October 2013. He is currently in private practice.
He is the editor of Issues in Civilian Oversight of Policing in Canada, published by Canada Law Book in 2014. As well, he is the author of the Police Services Act of Ontario: an Annotated Guide (3 ed), and the co-author of Salhany’s Police Manual of Arrest, Seizure & Interrogation (10th ed). An eleventh edition will be published later this year.
Ian is adjunct professor at Western Law School, teaching criminal procedure and a new course called ‘Police Accountability and the Law’. He is investigative counsel for the Justice of the Peace Review Council and the Ontario Judicial Council
He is also a member of the Ontario Review Board.
When Ian was Director of the SIU he reviewed over one thousand investigations of police officers involved in death, sexual assault and serious injury incidents.
Soussanna Karas
Soussanna Karas is a Senior Legal Counsel, Litigation with the Electrical Safety Authority (ESA). ESA is an administrative authority mandated by the Government of Ontario to enhance public electrical safety in the province.
Soussanna leads ESA’s prosecution and administrative appeals programs and provides advice with respect to ESA’s enforcement and administrative litigation, including case management, investigation, tribunal hearings and prosecution.
Soussanna’s litigation practice covers a broad range of administrative, civil and quasi-criminal matters, with the particular focus on administrative tribunal litigation and prosecutions before the Ontario Court of Justice, under the Ontario Provincial Offenses Act. Soussanna has extensive trial experience and have conducted over 100 trials of various length. Soussanna appeared before all levels of the court in Ontario, including the Ontario Court of Appeal.
Soussanna strongly believes in public service and as such is a member of the Appeals Committee of the Certified Public Accountants of Ontario (CPA). She regularly conducts appeal hearings against CPAs who are prosecuted for professional misconduct under the Chartered Accountants Act, 2010.
In her professional life, Soussanna spends a significant amount of her time writing. Some examples are: reports or legal opinions, memoranda or contracts, closing or opening submissions and appellate submissions for all levels of Courts and Tribunals in Ontario. In addition, as part of her work as an adjudicator, Soussanna collaborates on writing decisions on behalf of the Appeals Committee either granting or denying the appeal.
Soussanna has presented on the subject of effective writing on a number of occasions, the latest example – Presenter and Workshop facilitator at the Osgoode Certificate for Provincial Offenses Court Practice course.
Ciarán J. Buggle LL.B., LL.M., B.L.
Ciarán has over 13 years of investigation and resolution experience in conducting, leading, and overseeing high profile complex and systemic investigations.
Ciarán is currently the Manager of an Investigations and Resolutions Unit with a professional regulatory college in the Province of Ontario. The Unit is a multi disciplined twenty-member investigation team that carries out high profile investigations with a focus on complaints about sexual abuse and other professional misconduct.
Prior to his current role, Ciarán spent eight years with the Office of the Ombudsman of Ontario, where he was closely involved with all aspects of the organizations operations including: Early Resolutions; Investigations; Systemic Investigations with the Special Ombudsman Response Team (SORT); municipal closed meeting investigations; and the Legal Team.
As an Investigator with the Special Ombudsman Response Team, Ciarán was the lead investigator in several systemic investigations, including investigations pertaining to civilian oversight of police, and was involved in over twenty high profile publicized systemic investigations; as well as hundreds of individual cases and tribunal decision reviews. Ciarán has been involved with numerous workplace investigations including complaints of abuse, bullying, and harassment. He has extensive experience strategizing and planning complex investigations, conducting interviews (including with vulnerable witnesses) using evidence based questioning methods, securing and preserving evidence, analyzing data, investigative report writing, and preparing investigation files for hearing.
Ciarán is a honours graduate of the University of London; Nottingham Trent University; the Honourable Society of Kings Inns, Dublin; and holds a Masters Degree in Administrative Law from Osgoode Hall Law School, Toronto. He has also completed the Executive Leadership Program with the Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto. Ciarán is member of the Law Society of Upper Canada, and a qualified Barrister-at-Law in the Republic of Ireland.
Daniel Bertrand
Daniel Bertrand is a retired commissioned officer from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), with over 30 years of experience in criminal intelligence and investigations related to serious and organized crime, national security, and technical investigations. He has worked in municipal, provincial, and federal policing services and has extensive experience in computer forensic analysis and cyber crime investigations. After retiring, he started a second career as a consultant, providing specialized technical support, training, and guidance on social media and open source intelligence. He is a licensed Private Investigator (Ontario) and conducts interviews and investigations for private and public sector agencies. Daniel is fluent in French and English, and is a member of several organizations, including the Council of Professional Investigators of Ontario (CPIO), the Association of Workplace Investigators (Canadian Chapter – Ottawa), the High Technology Crime Investigation Association (HTCIA – Ottawa Chapter), and the Association for Intelligent Information Management (AIIM – Canada). He is also the recipient of the Webber Seavey Award for Quality in Law Enforcement awarded by the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP).