“A great course. It was us
eful to have it tailored to the type of work we do here. Received some great tips on interviewing.” Investigator: Law Society of British Columbia
We offer customized investigative training courses. We will work with your organization to create a bespoke course, based on your specific needs. Everything is designed to be directly relevant to what you do. Building on investigative fundamentals, we will work with you to create a scenario tailored to the type of investigations and investigative challenges you face. The scenario is used for investigation planning and interviewing exercises, usually in small groups.
Course content is geared entirely to what you want – it could focus on interviewing skills, the particular challenges of harassment / workplace investigations, report writing – or anything else you identify as a priority. Courses normally last for one or two days.
Customized courses have been successfully created for and delivered to Vancouver Coastal Health, Exxon Mobil, the Law Society of Upper Canada, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, the RCMP Complaints Commission, the Ontario College of Teachers, Service Canada, the Native Women’s Association of Canada, the Office of the Public Guardian of Alberta, the Office of the Information Commissioner of Canada and many other government and private sector agencies.
Contact us for further details by using this form, or:
By phone: 416 -704-3517
By e mail: bjaworski@investigationstraining.com