WHEN: May 29, 2013
WHERE: Toronto, ON
PRICE: $425.00 CAD
LOCATION: Hilton Conference Centre
8500 Warden Avenue
Markham, ON L6G 1A5
This program has been accredited by the Law Society of Upper Canada for 1 Professionalism Hour(s) and up to 5.75 Substantive Hours
This workshop teaches basic and advanced investigative interviewing techniques.
The course is being hosted by inHealth, one of Canada’s leading insurance training companies. It is particularly relevant to those working in the insurance industry. It is also directly on-point to anyone who does any kind of investigative interviewing, in any field of investigation.
Session Overview
The workshop offers a structured approach to investigative interviewing. It uses a real-life fatal motor vehicle accident as a case-study. Investigations expert Gareth Jones provides standards of practice for investigations to the P&C industry, with a focus on gathering useful information as effectively and efficiently as possible. Gareth outlines methodologies for ensuring that you obtain all the information that any relevant party has, including from reluctant and evasive witnesses.
Investigative interviewing standards cover; how to identify who you need to speak to, how to decide whether or not an interview is necessary, the general principles underpinning every good interview, putting the interviewee at ease, structuring the interview itself, assessing credibility and best practices for recording the interview information. It includes a segment on ethical considerations.
This workshop is hands-on and interactive, including group exercises and video footage of interviews done well – and not so well. Participants are divided into small groups for each stage of the interview process. Using a fatal MVA scenario, based on a real-life event that was captured on video, Gareth demonstrates how the interview comes together in the investigative process. Groups will brainstorm their ideas and develop solutions to the challenges that the scenario presents.
Gareth Jones has 30 years of investigative experience in the public and private sector. He has provided investigative training to fact-finding agencies in Canada and internationally, including to UN organizations. Gareth created a set of standards and principles for investigative interviewing adopted by agencies across the world and sets out investigative methodology in his acclaimed book Conducting Administrative, Oversight and Ombudsman Investigations. See full bio below.
Introduction to Interviewing
- The 8 universal investigative principles
- Interviewing and Interrogations – Similarities and Differences
The 3 Stages of the Interviewing Process
- Identify
- Decide
- Interview
Group Exercise 1: determining who should be interviewed and why
The 6 Principles Of Effective Interviewing
Preparing for the Interview
- Knowing the issues and the interviewee
- To Google or not to Google? Is valuable information on the Internet?
- Questions or question areas?
Group Exercise 2: prepare questions based on the scenario
- Setting Up The Interview
- Making contact
- Choosing location
- Confidentiality concerns
- Ethical Considerations
- Integrity and fairness
- How far do you go?
- Tricks of the trade
- How to avoid getting duped
Types of Interviews
- Face-to-face
- Telephone
- Written Interrogatories
- Skype
Ethics and fairness
- Ethics and fairness in investigations and interviewing
- interviewing vulnerable witnesses
- gender and cultural issues
- difficult interviewees
- tricks of the trade – and limits to them
How to Structure an Interview
- The twelve stages of the actual interview
- Do’s and don’ts, as the interview progresses
Group Exercise 3: Using the scenario, we will go through how an interview should unfold.
Reluctant and Evasive Witnesses
Recording Interviews
- Best practices
- How and why
Interviewing Techniques
- Cognitive interviewing
- Kinesic interviewing
Assessing Credibility
Common Roadblocks And How To Deal With Them
Gareth Jones Bio
Gareth is a former Director of the Special Ombudsman Response Team at the Office of the Ombudsman of the Department of National Defense and Canadian Forces (DND/CF). He was responsible for setting up the team and directing all major investigations conducted by the Office. Many had a systemic component, including investigations into how the Canadian Forces dealt with service personnel with PTSD, the administration of military Boards of Inquiry, the investigation of deaths and serious injuries and how the families of killed and injured military members were treated.
Prior to that, he became an investigator with the Attorney General of the Province of Ontario, Special Investigations Unit (SIU) when it began operations in 1991. SIU has a mandate to investigate deaths and serious injuries involving police officers. Gareth conducted 500 criminal investigations into incidents where police were involved in a death or a serious injury, including approximately 100 officer-involved shootings, 150 police pursuits and 50 custody deaths. He also investigated a number of allegations of sexual assault against police officers. He was the lead investigator in the majority of these cases.
Gareth worked as a claims rep for Allstate from 1989 to 1991, dealing with serious bodily injury claims, including conducting liability and quantum investigations.
He is a former police sergeant with the Metropolitan Police, London, UK.
Gareth has delivered investigative training to fact-finding agencies across the world, including UN bodies, as well as to organizations that conduct regulatory, security, workplace, human rights, anti-corruption and internal affairs investigations.
He is author of Conducting Administrative, Oversight and Ombudsman Investigations, published by Canada Law Book in 2009. He is also the author of The Top Ten Things Not To Do When Setting Up A Police Oversight Agency and Workplace Investigations: Getting Beyond He Said, She Said and the co-author of Measuring Ombudsman Performance: Setting Performance Standards And Indicators. He is currently writing an investigations training manual for 19 National Human Rights Institutions in Asia and the Pacific region, to be published in mid 2013.
Gareth has been retained by counsel in the United States, Canada and the Cayman Islands to provide expert evidence in police shooting and pursuit cases
Any questions? Please call us at 1-877-610-0109 ext:210 or contact us directly at: bjaworski@investigationstraining.com