The Asia Pacific Forum asked Gareth Jones to write a manual on how to conduct investigations for front line human rights investigators in the Asia Pacific region. It has just been published.
The 240-page manual offers a ton of information, techniques and approaches that will benefit those conducting any kind of investigation. It has chapters on planning investigations, investigative interviewing, digital, documentary and physical evidence, how to use the internet as an investigative tool, report writing and many other useful topics.
You can download it – for free – here:
Undertaking Effective Investigations: A Guide for National Human Rights Institutions
The Asia Pacific Forum
Established in 1996, the APF is an umbrella, member-based organization that supports the establishment and strengthening of independent national human rights institutions in the Asia Pacific region. The APF’s members include national human rights institutions in Afghanistan, Australia, Jordan, Malaysia, Mongolia, Nepal, New Zealand, India, Thailand and Qatar – and more.
The Manual was enriched through information, materials and comments provided by representatives of several APF member institutions. Additionally, APF staff also contributed to the development of the Manual.
For more information about the Asia Pacific Forum click here.